What I make of me

What I make of me by Miruna Mazilu with Sorana Mazilu

What I make of me

The image is part of a collection of works which we’re currently working on. Our project engages with the image of the ‘self’, acknowledging the author (and his/her presence) as part of the final output.

The ‘selfie-culture’ doesn’t seem out of place in today’s world, as anyone with digital means has the ability of curating their own image. The method of projecting one’s identity is used to distance from the subject (also the author) and construct a new identity. Therefore, by projecting onto another, the process of constructing self portraits becomes more relevant than the final result. – That is where the author’s identity is present (directly) within the work.

“…[if] I was an artist and I was in the studio, then whatever I was doing in the studio must be art. At this point art became more of an activity and less of a product.” (Bruce Nauman: “The True Artist”, 2014)

What is Creative Archipelago?


Hello World !

The name “Creative Archipelago” (as we call it, “CA”) derives from the land-form which, essentially, is a cluster, a collection of islands.
CA builds a critical platform for the investigation and curation of various concepts. In our view, each piece of work receives coordinates in a sea of unknown which, in turn, reveals new ‘islands’, expanding the ‘archipelago’.
This fragmented assemblage forms a coherent ‘whole’ built through a process of apparent bricolage. The fragmentation comes from the diversity of themes and mediums through which we seek to investigate and develop fundamental creative principles and individual ‘markers’ found within our work.
We hope to inspire conversations which can push the investigated agendas and provoke new questions and possible collaborations.

photo archipelago2